Social work

Want to talk about your work as a prostitute or a specific problem that you are dealing with? Then Prostitutie Maatschappelijk Werk is here to help. We will gladly listen to you and come up with the best solution for you together.

Who is Prostitutie Maatschappelijk Werk for?

Anyone can come to us for help, whether you work in a sex club, via the internet or some other way. It doesn’t matter if you have a verblijfsvergunning (residence permit) or not, or if you are a woman/man/transgender or are addicted to drugs – everyone is welcome.

No cost

The help we offer you through Prostitutie Maatschappelijk Werk is totally free of charge.

We see your job as a profession

Prostitution, sex work, “the business” – many people find it a hard subject to talk about. But you can rest assured that you can talk about it openly with us. We see prostitution – as long as you do it by your own choice – as a profession. Our goal is not to try to force you out of prostitution; we are here to listen and to help.

What if you want to quit working as a prostitute?

But it could be that you do want to quit working as a prostitute. If so, then we can register you in the RUPS program (regionaal uitstapprogramma voor prostituees; regional exit program for prostitutes). You will have a personal counsellor who will give you all the help you need to quit prostitution. Read more about quitting prostitution on this page/further down on this page.


We are obligated to confidentiality, which means that whatever you tell us, will stay between us. You will be able to register using your working name (instead of your real name). It is only in very special cases, when you or someone else is in great danger, that we will have to make a report to the authorities.

Contact info

Click here for the contact info of the maatschappelijk werk (social work) organisation in your area.